Frequently Asked Questions
How does Outset work?
Outset will create a custom calendar, which it will populate with your activities plan. This plan will update regularly based on the weather forecast and on what Outset learns from you and your preferences.
For instance, if you tell Outset that you want to run, walk, and go to the gym, Outset will create events for each activity on your calendar based on the weather forecast, your availability, your preferences (e.g. how many times you’d like to perform each activity and for how long), and your goals (e.g. if you would like to exercise more, Outset will suggest more activities in an incremental fashion).
It works exactly like any other calendar you have - you can decline or reschedule a suggested event, create new events, or delete existing events.
Will the Outset events appear on other calendars?Events created by Outset will only appear on the Outset calendar.
Will Outset be able to delete or reschedule events on my other calendars?
Outset will never modify or create events on other calendars - it only reads them to know when you are free and when you are busy.
What data will Outset store?We will store your Outset calendar data and your post-activity and monthly questionnaire responses. We will also store your preferences (such as frequency and duration of your activities) as well as your user profile data (such as your age and gender).
Why does Outset need access to my other calendars?
Outset needs access to your calendars to know when you are free and when activities can be scheduled.
Why does Outset need access to my location?
Outset needs access to your location to plan your outdoor activities – knowing where you want to exercise will help Outset provide you with the most accurate plan.
How do I update my preferences?
You can update your preferences by heading to the “My account” page in the menu.
How do I delete my account?
You can delete your account by heading to the “My account” section in the menu and selecting “Delete profile”.